Volunteer for the Greenfield Historical Society

There are many ways for you to help as a Volunteer:

Finding Support

  • Help in securing donations, new members, grant writing, sharing our story

Administrative Activities

  • Help inventory, catalog, archive Greenfield memorabilia
  • Document the history and historic properties


  • Volunteering at the museum, events, hosting groups, educational seminars, genealogy services, walking tours, outdoor dramas, festivals

Event Support

  • planning, hosting, food serving, cleaning, presenting


  • mowing, planting, weeding, landscaping

I want to Help . . .

To volunteer your talents and time to the Greenfield Historical Society, please complete this form and then select the SEND button. Thank you for offering to help us. A member of the Society will be contacting you.

Your Name: First: (required)
Middle Initial:
Last: (required)
Business, Organization, or School:
Mailing Address: Street:
Phone: (required) (include Area Code)
Fax: (include Area Code)
Your E-mail Address:
Please tell us how you would like to help:

Ready ? Ok, but before you click 'Send' please insert the same letters and numbers you see in the image below
into the box to your right ->


The Greenfield Historical Society
PO Box 266
Greenfield, Ohio 45123